

Cancer Types


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Pain from cancer is a major health care problem. Thirty percent of patients with cancer have pain at the time of diagnosis, and 65 to 85 percent have pain when their disease is advanced. The impact of cancer pain is magnified by the interaction of pain and its treatments with other common cancer symptoms: fatigue, weakness, dyspnea, nausea, constipation, and impaired cognition. Cancer pain can be effectively treated in 85 to 95 percent of patients with an integrated program of systemic, pharmacologic, and anticancer therapy. Many of the remaining patients can be helped by the appropriate use of invasive procedures. In the final days of life, pain not controlled by therapies aimed at both comfort and function can be relieved by intentional sedation. No patient with cancer needs to live or die with unrelieved pain. Michael H. Levy The New England Journal of Medicine -- October 10, 1996 -- Vol. 335, No. 15

Common Analgesics
Liquid  Morphine (short Acting) Roxanol 20mg/ml 10 - 20 mg q 2- 4h
Codeine Tyelonol #3 or #4 (30 or 60 mg) 100- 200 mg/ q4 - 6
Hydrocodone Lortab (2.5 - 10mg), Vicodin (5mg) 30 mg q 3-4h
Oxycodone Percodan, Percocet, Roxicodone (5mg) 10 - 30 mg q 3- 4h
Hydromorphone Dilaudid (4 or 8mg) 4 mg q 3 - 4h
Long Acting Morphine MS Contin / Oramorph (15 - 200mg) 15 - 100mg q 8 - 12h
Long acting oxycodone Oxycontin (10 - 160mg) 15 - 100 mg q 8 - 1h
Fentanyl Transdermal Duragesic Patch (25 - 100 ug/patch) 1 patch q 72h

Equivalent Potency to 30 mg of Oral Morphine Sulfate
Fentanyl 50 ug/ patch (assume 25ug/patch = 45mg/24h of morphine)
Hydromorphone 7.5 mg
Oxycodone 20 mg
Hydrocodone 30mg
Morphine 30mg
Codeine 200mg