Multiple Myeloma / Plasmacytoma
Images of myeloma in the bone: (note that the goal is to vigorously treat the myeloma so
that the bones do not become this brittle.)
Radiographs Showing Multiple, Irregular
Lytic Lesions in the Skull (Panel A) and Pelvic Bones (Panel B). Similar lesions were
present in the ribs, axial skeleton, and extremities
#2 Large Destructive Lesion in the
Right Iliac Bone
#3 Pathologic Fracture of the Right
#4 Pathologic fracture of the
#5 Diffuse lytic
bone lesions in pelvis and femurs
#6 Large destructive lesion in distal left femur on PET
and CT: here and
#7 MRI images of very diffuse disease
here and
#8 Advanced disease in the thoracic spine
here and
#9 Advanced disease in the right hip and pelvis:
here, and here
#10. Myeloma can make small punched out holes in the bone
(called lytic lesions) or form large masses (plasma cell tumors) go
here, here and
#11. Myeloma may destroy so much bone that a fracture
results, go here
#12 Punched out skull lesions are classic for myeloma, go
other images: the blood smear may be a tip off
of myeloma (go here) the most common test
is the serum protein electrophoresis (SPEP) go
here and the immunofix test (here)
with the final diagnosis a bone marrow biopsy (here) |